If your goal was to change a society, community, country or to build a nation, where would you start?
Would you start with the families?
With religion? The churches? The mission work?
Would you start with the educational system?
With the cultural happenings? The art? The entertainment? The sports?
Or would you start with the media? The mass-communication?
The economi? The tradeing? The science? The tecnology?
Or maybe you would start with the government and the politicians?
I am totally convinced that it is impossible to change a society and build a nation without influencing all the areas mentioned above. Wherever you start, or whatever you are doing. Always have this in mind.
Thanks to Loren Cunningham!
3 kommentarer:
Gode ord, Sørås!
Oppmuntrande til dei av oss som ynskjer å ugjere ein skilnad i samfunnet!
Eg veit kor eg ville starta, men eg anar ikkje korleis det skulle bli ei bylgje ut av det.
Tankane kjem frå "Verdas viktigaste bok" av Loren Cunningham. Ho omhandlar korleis menneske har brukt Bibelske sanningar til å forandre nasjonar i århundrer. Kor ville du ha starta?
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