onsdag 12. januar 2011


That was a strange feeling...

The Holy Spirit

That was great!

For så høyt elsket...

fredag 7. januar 2011

Great to hear

The last week I have been very priveliged to be part of Indremisjonsforbundet`s workers gathering. Great teaching, great people and new mercy for new ministry.

130 "labourers of the harvest" have been gathered to be renewed and again sent out to preach the gospel and make disciples. Today we all prayed together for each other and it was great to hear how everyone poured out their hearts to God.

Tonight we will have a big party and celebrate the work God is doing among us.

New fields are beeing plowed, and especially the mediawork reaches new hights.

Here you can see one of the projects we are pionèering:

Preik.tv - Episode 3 from Preik.tv on Vimeo.

Check it out at www.preik.tv

The society has changed, but our mission is still the same: "Gods word to the people." My question to our leaders is how we again can influence society and see people reedemed into freedom.

How can we be leading on preaching the truths and prinsciples of God into every single sphere of our society?

How can IMF influence the families?
The religious people?
The churches?
The missions work?
The educational system?
The cultural happenings?
The art?
The entertainment?
The sports?
The media?
The mass-communication?
The economi?
The tradeing?
The science?
The tecnology?
The government?
The politicians?

For så høyt elsket...

mandag 3. januar 2011

Mest meining

Kva gjorde du akkurat då det nye året tok til?

Eg var så heldig å få gjera det som gir mest meining av alt.

Takk for det!

I dag har eg "...børi ved" og måka snø, medan eg tenkte på politikk.

Kvifor er det slik postmodernismen si relativistiske haldning kun gjeld for etikk og moral og tru og religion og sånn?

Kvifor ikkje også for trafikkreglar og og eksamensresultat og sånn?

For så høyt elsket...